Monday, November 5, 2007

Eli starts a blog

My tutu was bugging my momma about not sending enough pictures of my adora-baby self, and so my momma decided to make a page that she can neglect to post pictures to it, instead. My name is Eli. I'm a toddler.

May 18, 2006 7:46 pm

Eli Hunter Heer (yours truly) is born. Mom declines the drugs, and after the experience, vows to have the rest of her children at home in the bathtub. Here are some pictures of me when I was two minutes old. My mouth is not normally that big. Also, my mom is not normally that puffy. My dad is always that manly and handsome though.

That obviously was almost 18 months ago. I am now a big boy, and therefore much less of a baby. I like loud engines, tools, kitty-cats, and my shoes. Shoes is also my favorite word. Say it with me! Shoes, Shoes Shoes!

I recently had time to reflect on my former life as a baby, and it inspired me to compose a song. (To the tune of "It's Not Easy Being Green" by Kermit the Frog)


It's not that easy being a baby

Having to be completely dependent on grownups for everything

And I think it would be nicer, to be a big boy, or a dinosaur, or my dad,

or something totally cool like that.

It's not that easy being a baby

Babies are tiny, and kind of insignificant

And people tend to pass you over

Cause you're 2' 3", and wear a diaper, and you can't even talk!

But I guess a baby's life is pretty easy

And babies don't have any responsibilities

And babies can sleep when they want to,

And they eat real gross smashed up food, like carrots and peas...

If a baby is all there is to be,

It could make you whine and cry,

But why whine and cry, Whiner?

I was a baby, and it's fine. I got over it, and now I'm a big kid, and that's what I'd like to be....

Okay, my mom has thoroughly embarrassed me with the selection of pics. Thanks Mom. I'm going to bed now.

E out.

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