Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My New Baby Sister... belated

So last month on the 25th my Mommy had our baby!

My Mommy's tummy was sooooo big!

The baby was born in a big pool in our living room.

And I was there to watch and to help.

When she came out, we were all so happy! (The water is green because of some ginger tea the midwives put into it!)

It was a baby girl, and we named her Iris.

A bunch of our family came to see the baby be born!

Here is my grandma Margo, my grandpa Eric, and my mom's friend Susan.

I sure like my sister!

This is the midwife Valerie, weighing my baby. She weighed 8 pounds, seven ounces! That is over a pound bigger than I was!

Here is Iris, one day old.

I decided since she was one day old it was time for me to hold her. (I didn't really want to hold her before, I was pretty tired.)

Now I hold her a lot and she and I do a lot of stuff together.

I'm sure glad to have a sister!

E Out.


Robyn said...

Aawww! I love it! Congratulations!

~jan said...

E, your sister is as beautiful as you are handsome. Your mommy and daddy make gorgeous babies!!

Anja said...

wow, you are very brave and open to show these photos on a blog! Myself my son Benjamin now 20 years old is also born at home, here it is not so usual. But when Mama is healthy it is really the better way to do. Hope your familiy is fine!