Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Phew- It has been a while!

Okay, so what has happened since my Birthday Party?

My Tutu came to visit me

We got in the car and drove ALL day and when we stopped we were in Missouri

I hung out there with Tutu and Mom and Auntie Cheri and some cousins

Then we drove all day again until we got home. I was very relieved to see Daddy again after that trip. I wasn't sure where he was when we were gone. It's always good to know where your daddy is!

Let's see.. what else have I missed... Oh- for Memorial Day Weekend, we went to Grandpa's cabin, and I went dirtbiking.

We had my Daddy's brthday party while we were at the cabin. Here is the cake my Mom made for him.

Looks just like pile of donuts, doesn't it?

Oh- another thing that has been happening around here is that Mom and Dad are making me my own personal zoo. A few months ago, my only pet was a goldfish. Now, all of a sudden, we have a dog

A WHOLE bunch of chickens

And the three little pigs!

This is getting out of hand...

E Out.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hey Amber, saw your blog link on facebook and wanted to swing by. Eli is so cute! Wow, time flies when we're having fun right? :D It's good to see you!