Friday, February 8, 2008

How To Make Breakfast

Today, on Eating With Eli, I will show you how to make a delicious breakfast with minimal help from your parents.

First, you get your Mom to chop some bell peppers and mushrooms (no, we're not making pancakes - and yes, I know I said minimal help, but when you are too little to use a knife, you don't have a lot of options at this stage of the process.) Then you have your Mom get a pan and turn on the stove, blah-blah... this part is very boring so I have not included any pictures.

After you have stirred the veggies in the pan for a while, and have tried to put some salt in (but missed), have your Mom crack some eggs into a bowl. While she is doing this, be sure to point to where in the bowl she should put each egg.

After all the eggs are in the bowl, you should add some milk.

Then get one of those wire whisker thingies and mix it all together.

Then you will need to add the eggs to the pan! (You should probabaly have your Mom help you...)

Now stir the everything around.

Look at you! You're cooking! You're really cooking!

Now have your Dad grate some cheese. (Baby fingers can be completely seared off by cheese graters, so have a parent do this. Also, it is a well known fact that Dads are better cheese graters than Moms. At least that's what Mom says...)

When the cheese is grated, add it to the eggs and stir it in.

If you are like me, and you REALLY like cheese, go ahead and eat some.

The very last step in this easy breakfast...

Is to eat it!

E Out

1 comment:

Lorie said...

Eli, you're so smart and clever! You come to Tutu's house and we'll make all kinds of onolicious food together!