Friday, December 7, 2007

Boyz in the Tub

My cousin Dillon and I have started doing a lot of stuff together. Some of it seems like weird stuff for two dudes to do, but my Mom assures me that since we're cousins and toddlers, it is really okay. Some of it seems pretty weird though. For example, kissing

You can tell in that picture I am embarrassed that my Mom is right there with the camera... Moms...

Okay- this next one is totally not my doing. Dillon was at my house the other day around my bedtime, and he wandered in while I was having my bath. Next thing you know, he's decided that my bath toys are too awesome to resist, and he jumped in with me.

He was duly impressed with my bubble mohawk

and he taught me some slightly more advanced splashing techniques than I had previously used. (Mom is ticked about that one!)

I short, a good time was had by all, and we got extremely clean, too.

Today Dillon came over, and we played dress up. He dressed up like a girl with two pig tails, and I dressed up like an old man.

Awesome huh?!

E Out

1 comment:

Cbelle said...

I always knew that you were more of a man than your cousin. Good job babe!