Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Doctor a day makes Eli not want to play!

I had my 18 month checkup today. You guessed it! I have hepatitis! Just kidding- I got a hepatitis shot though, so I might have hepatitis somewhere, I'll have to ask my Tutu exactly how that works. Since my last checkup 3 months ago, I have gained 2 ounces and 2 inches! Hooray for growing! I am 2'9" and weigh 23.5 pounds. The turkey my Mom bought for Thanksgiving was bigger than I am! Good grief!

Maybe I am willing myself to grow tall instead of round, so I can reach my Dad's miter saw... I'll bet that's it.

Here is a picture of me today, in all my skinny glory

That is my Christmas tree that is in my house. When Mom first said we were going to put a tree in the living room, I thought she was kidding, but apparently that is what they do in whacked out places like Moreland Idaho. Crazy redneck traditions! Next thing you know we'll hang our socks over the fireplace and stuff them with candy. Hey, that's actually a pretty creative idea, I think I'll suggest it to my Mom.

Hey Mom!?!

E Out

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