Friday, November 16, 2007

Duck, Duck, Duck, ELI!

My Mom and Dad took me to the park last week, and I fed the ducks and the geese!

Here is me feeding a goose. Silly goose!

Here is me teasing a goose. She wanted the bread I had, but I psyched her out!

Here is me feeding the ducks and geese from the top of a picnic table because the they got mad at me for teasing them, and tried to eat my fingers.

I don't know about you, but I did NOT see that one coming... fortunately my mom has a mean right hook. I guess birdies have a poopie sense of humor. Who knew?

E Out

1 comment:

Lorie said...

That's a pretty impressive gaggle of geese that you played with, Eli. Tutu met up with an ostentation of peacocks this morning on the way to work. They almost caused an accident. Birds can be pretty stupid, ya? That's okay, we'll get them back this week and eat a rafter of turkeys, just to show them!
Love Tutu